sábado, 27 de junio de 2009

TOP TEN before coming

We keep paving the way for future language assistants. Now we present a very basic top ten list with the best tips to consider before coming to Spain. Make the best of it!!
Note: this same document was sent to the Consejería de Educación - Embajada de España in Washington, D.C. (USA) and they found it interesting enough as to forward it to some 1,600 USA Language Assistants coming to Spain next school year. We are really glad about it, after all we are here to help!!

viernes, 26 de junio de 2009


Summer holidays have just arrived except for our future language assistants who maybe real busy with all the preparation for a long journey to a different/distant country where they are going to stay for some months.
No doubt this is a time for great expectations, some anxiety, even fears... but, who can't help feeling like that everytime we pack for a journey? This year will surely mean new experiences to live, new people to meet, new difficulties to overcome, new dreams to fulfil...
From this very moment we welcome every new language assistant to this beautiful province for our next school year 2009-10.

martes, 2 de junio de 2009


It's June and it means our language assistants are no longer working with us. This blog comes out a bit late for this but... if it is possible, we would love to hear from your experiences in our bilingual schools. It would also be interesting to hear from bilingual coordinators or teachers that have worked with language assistants to know their opinions.
Éste es el momento de hacer recuento de todo lo trabajado y vivido para ver cómo afrontamos el próximo curso.
¡Ánimo! Esperamos vuestros comentarios.