Ya están listas las citas para la obtención del NIE y empiezan el próximo martes 13 de octubre así que ATENCIÓN. Mirad en el listado el centro educativo y vuestro nombre con el día de la cita. Todos deben presentarse a las 09:00 en la Oficina de Extranjería situada en la Calle Fernando el Católico, 36 de Huelva.
Recordad que NO os darán la tarjeta en el momento sino un resguardo de papel firmado y donde se indica el número, guardadlo y hacedle fotocopia para tenerlo siempre a mano.
Un Auxiliar de conversación americano del curso pasado (Brian Babo de Illinois, EEUU) nos pasó esta información de utilidad (en inglés):
As for the necessary documents...
1. Letters: You will need to bring with you the letter that you received in the mail in your country that told you which school you would be placed in here in Spain. You should make two photocopies.
2. Passport Pictures: You will need two passport size pictures.
3. Application: You need to fill out an application for the N.I.E. It’s not complicated at all and actually you only have to fill out half of it. It really only asks for some really basic information like where you live, passport information, etc.
4. Miscellaneous Photocopies: You will need to make at least two photocopies of the front page of your passport, the page containing your visa and the page that was stamped when you landed in Spain.
5. Bank Information: Once you finally get to sit down and talk with the person behind the desk, the person will fill out a form with three copies of it (blue, yellow and green). You have to take this to the nearest bank and pay some 10€ and have them stamp each copy. The nearest bank is CajaSol , they’ll tell you how to get there (MAP). The bank keeps one of the copies, you keep another and you return the third one of the copies to Oficina de Extranjeros.